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Hot Yoga


Our core class. This class is recommended for everyone, from first day beginners to advanced students.


The magic of this class is that everyone is practicing the same posture at different levels of ability, receiving the same benefits. There is an exact position for everyone at every level, which our trained instructors will help you find. 

Combinations of balancing postures and stretches, this class will give you a total body exercise.


The room is heated (103 -105F) with 40% Humidity to allow for the body to move deeper into postures, decreasing the chance of injury.

Hot or Warm Vinyasa

Our "Hot Vinyasa" is a vigorous class, combining upper body strength, flexibility and cardio. The word Vinyasa means “breath-synchronized movement.”


Through a dynamic practice of continuous movement, Vinyasa flow helps rid and flush the body of wastes and toxins, thus cleansing and purifying it. 

Designed for students of intermediate to advanced levels seeking a challenge. 


We also offer Warm Vinyasa for students who want the challenge of a Vinyasa flow, but in a less sweatier experience!


Hot Vinyasa Temperature 103-105F 40% Humidity

Warm Vinyasa Temperature 90F 30% Humidity


Warm Yoga

A great beginners introduction to Hatha Yoga. The postures are held a little longer and modifications are encouraged for students to ease into their yoga experience.


This class is for people who may be intimidated by the heat or those who need help with the proper alignment.

Yoga props such as blocks and straps are available to help students move into postures.  


The room is set at a warm temperature of 90F, 30% humidity



Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a beautiful, complex practice of long, passively held floor poses, is deeply nourishing and has myriad benefits for any yoga practitioner.

  • On a physical level, Yin enhances the natural range of motion in the joints. By keeping your muscles soft, you release deep layers of connective tissue, creating more ease in any style of yoga and in seated meditation.

  • On an energetic level, Yin enhances the flow of prana (life force) in the tissues around the joints, where energy often stagnates.

Yin Yoga trains you to become more comfortable with discomfort instead of becoming alarmed. It marries meditation and asana into a very deep practice.


For beginners through seasoned practitioners.

80F Non-Heated


Yoga Nidra

Room temperature is set to 80 non-heated. Yoga Nidra (Sanskrit) or yogic sleep combines a body scan with breathing awareness, with a visual and sense component. It is often called yogic sleep, because it induces states of mind that are between being asleep and being awake, resulting in deep relaxation and rejuvenation. 


Yoga Nidra meditation is a deeply profound experience of physical, mental and emotional relaxation. Regular practice of meditation like Yoga Nidra can help restore and maintain your vital life energy, prevent disease and even improve your mood. You will find that you will respond to stressful situations in your life with more calm and ease. This class is recommended for EVERYONE. Take time for yourself and see what some military and veterans administration hospitals and other institutions are using to help heal the wounds of trauma, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder,) depression and chronic pain.




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Pre-Natal Yoga

Room temperature is set to 80 non-heated, allowing the moderately warm room temperature for comfort and relaxation. This class is safe and effective for all stages of pregnancy, no prior yoga experience is necessary. 


During your pregnancy, connect with your body, and your baby through yoga.  Focus on breathing, centering, and releasing tension to prepare the body and mind for labor. Some props are provided.  Please bring any props that may offer additional comfort and support, such as a pillow or blanket.

The cost for this class is included with our membership packages.

Students may also use packages and 5 & 10 class-cards for this class.


Drop in rate is $25.

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Pre-Natal Yoga

Room temperature is set to 80 non-heated, allowing the moderately warm room temperature for comfort and relaxation. This class is safe and effective for all stages of pregnancy, no prior yoga experience is necessary. 


During your pregnancy, connect with your body, and your baby through yoga.  Focus on breathing, centering, and releasing tension to prepare the body and mind for labor. Some props are provided.  Please bring any props that may offer additional comfort and support, such as a pillow or blanket.

The cost for this class is included with our membership packages.

Students may also use packages and 5 & 10 class-cards for this class.


Drop in rate is $29.

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Seasonal only, please check our current schedule under the schedule tab

Warm Sculpt

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Room temperature is set to 90F 30% humidity.

This one hour invigorating class is designed to accompany and reinforce practitioner’s yoga practice, utilizing hand-held weights, bands and yoga asana in a warm room to achieve the ultimate in mind-body fitness. This is appropriate for all levels of students. It will pull techniques and exercises to help practitioners to tone the body, boost metabolism and increase the heart rate as we incorporate light weights and dynamic movements in the class. 


A perfect addition to one’s yoga practice, the class will help students develop added strength to support his/her asana practice while deepening the mind/body connection and awareness. This all levels class will reinforce one’s asana practice and focus on toning & strengthening the complete upper and lower body, including the arms, shoulders, core, hamstrings, glutes, legs, and the entire back region. The use of light weights for additional resistance/challenge may be incorporated (& optional).

Warm Sculpt

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Room temperature is set to 90F 30% humidity.

This one hour invigorating class is designed to accompany and reinforce practitioner’s yoga practice, utilizing hand-held weights, bands and yoga asana in a warm room to achieve the ultimate in mind-body fitness. This is appropriate for all levels of students. It will pull techniques and exercises to help practitioners to tone the body, boost metabolism and increase the heart rate as we incorporate light weights and dynamic movements in the class. 


A perfect addition to one’s yoga practice, the class will help students develop added strength to support his/her asana practice while deepening the mind/body connection and awareness. This all levels class will reinforce one’s asana practice and focus on toning & strengthening the complete upper and lower body, including the arms, shoulders, core, hamstrings, glutes, legs, and the entire back region. The use of light weights for additional resistance/challenge may be incorporated (& optional).

Warm Sculpt

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Room temperature is set to 90F 30% humidity.

This one hour invigorating class is designed to accompany and reinforce practitioner’s yoga practice, utilizing hand-held weights, bands and yoga asana in a warm room to achieve the ultimate in mind-body fitness. This is appropriate for all levels of students. It will pull techniques and exercises to help practitioners to tone the body, boost metabolism and increase the heart rate as we incorporate light weights and dynamic movements in the class. 


A perfect addition to one’s yoga practice, the class will help students develop added strength to support his/her asana practice while deepening the mind/body connection and awareness. This all levels class will reinforce one’s asana practice and focus on toning & strengthening the complete upper and lower body, including the arms, shoulders, core, hamstrings, glutes, legs, and the entire back region. The use of light weights for additional resistance/challenge may be incorporated (& optional).

Warm Sculpt

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Room temperature is set to 90F 30% humidity.

This one hour invigorating class is designed to accompany and reinforce practitioner’s yoga practice, utilizing hand-held weights, bands and yoga asana in a warm room to achieve the ultimate in mind-body fitness. This is appropriate for all levels of students. It will pull techniques and exercises to help practitioners to tone the body, boost metabolism and increase the heart rate as we incorporate light weights and dynamic movements in the class. 


A perfect addition to one’s yoga practice, the class will help students develop added strength to support his/her asana practice while deepening the mind/body connection and awareness. This all levels class will reinforce one’s asana practice and focus on toning & strengthening the complete upper and lower body, including the arms, shoulders, core, hamstrings, glutes, legs, and the entire back region. The use of light weights for additional resistance/challenge may be incorporated (& optional).

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