When in the yoga studio please consider the following studio etiquette:
Personal Belongings
Place your personal belongings in a cubbie before entering the yoga room. This includes shoes, cell phones, keys and bags. The only things to take in the yoga room are your yoga mat, a bottle of water and a positive mental attitude.
Cell Phones
Silence your cell phone before entering class. It is very distracting for other students to hear the beep, ring or vibrate of a cell phone from inside the yoga room.
Arrive On Time
If it is your first yoga class, you must be on time. New students will not be able to enter late. Try to get to class ten minutes before class starts. Be mindful of how you place your mat on the floor-try not to unfold it with a loud “flap!” But unroll it quietly in respect to your neighbors.
Follow Your Instructor
The reason to partake in a yoga class is to follow the instructions of the teacher. Doing your own moves, unless you are doing modified poses for an injury, or modified poses of pregnancy, can be confusing for the other students.
Keep Variations Appropriate
Keep in mind the level of the class you are attending. If it is an advanced class and some of the poses are too hard, it is fine to take a more basic variation of the poses being taught. If you are attending a basic class, stick to the basic versions of the poses so you don't confuse new students. The teacher will offer you the option to take a more advanced variation when appropriate.
Leaving Class
It is fine to step out of class if you need to. The best time to go is when there is a period of rest. If you must leave before class is over, sit by the door and roll your mat up quietly. It is better to leave before the final rest (Savasana) instead of during. Please step out if you begin to feel dizzy or nauseous.
Before and After Class in the Yoga Room
Many students come to yoga class early specifically to relax in the heat and meditate. Enter the room quietly and set up your mat. If you want to chat before class, come out into the lobby. It's usually a lively place to meet and greet your friends. Talking during Savasana is not appropriate. Ideally, you want to lie there quietly, as long as you can. Please refrain from cleaning your mat and other distractions during this time.
For the comfort of those around you, please come clean and avoid wearing heavy perfumes. Most classes involve breath work and deep breathing. This can be distracting for students with allergies or other sensitivities.
Give Everyone Room To Practice
Work with other students in the classroom to maximize both personal yoga space while still making enough room for everyone. As the room fills up during our most popular class times, please work together to create enough space for everyone and create a good flow of energy throughout the room. Please place your mat in the front, middle or back row and never place your mat directly in front of someone.
Honor Your Body
Yoga is a personal practice not a competitive or comparative one. Each of us has our own individual levels of strength, flexibility, and experience. That’s what makes the practice so fun! Your body may express the postures in a way that is unique to just you. So do not push it too far, too soon. You are the only one who knows how you’re feeling at any moment, so listen to the wisdom of your body and take care of yourself. Never force yourself into any posture and modify wherever necessary. No posture is worth injury.
Lost & Found
Please take your belongings home each day. Call right away if you leave something and we will be happy to hold it for you. Mats left longer than two weeks will be added to the rental mats.